New Moon Aries

It’s a powerful week … Aries New Moon; stellium in Aries and Aquarius, Saturn sitting in between Mars and Venus, and Jupiter inching closer to Neptune in Pisces. The New Moon Aries happens on March 31, 2022, at 11:24pm pst, which means on April 1, 2022 in some places in the world.

The numerology shifts of course, but not the impact of the astrology is power packed. The Sun and Moon are at 11 degrees, a new portal of awareness. Two pillars to step on through. An awakening of some sort. Chiron is at 12 degrees, urging you to heal … and allow yourself the space to feel all the feels.

We are entering a new way of being as a collective, which means: same goes for you! Your level of perspective in this New World is shifting, and rapidly. Time to accept the past, focus on what you truly desire, put all your attention on your heart and soul, and move into that deep remembrance that we ARE all truly One.

On April 12, 2022 – Jupiter meets Neptune in Pisces. This IS the astrological event of the year … well one of them! The last time this happened was 166 years ago. It is a highly creative energy that allows us to see things we couldn’t before. It’s epic energy … don’t waste it wallowing in the past.

The theme for this week is I AM … just focus on THAT with this energy. Move beyond the borders of your mind, drop into the heart, and create.


June Astrology


Full Moon Virgo