June Astrology

Since I will be away for most of June, I am offering up a June Astrology Forecast. I’ve only included the events that I believe are super valuable, however know this: Every day there are more shifts in our planetary system than we can even fathom. Yes, Astrology is a blueprint for energy, it also tells us how things are shifting (I talk about this in this recording), and this is a generalized forecast only.

The first thing about June that is exciting is that it begins on the heels of the New Moon Gemini. Soft, loving, Feminine … full of beautiful gifts and new beginnings. Overall, June is a quieter month than May (thank Goddess), as we also disentangled ourselves from that Eclipse portal that started with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus, and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Mercury has been in retrograde since May 10th … want to just think for a moment about all that’s gone on with you since then? It’s been a lot of deep, soul work and now, with lightness in our hearts, we can take an adventure, build connection, and love a bit deeper. (hint: start with Self first.)

Here we go: June 3: Mercury goes direct in Taurus. THANK GODDESS! Mental energy should lift, confidence rises, and CLARITY comes. Mercury will stay in its shadow stage though until June 19th, so exude PATIENCE until then.

June 4: Saturn goes Retrograde in Aquarius until October 22-23. Saturn will challenge you to review how you have grown and INTERGRATED wisdom over the last two years. Saturn moved into Aquarius in April 2022; we are still INTEGRATING lessons from 2020 when it was in Capricorn. Stay the course, do your Omwork, and receive the gift.

June 11: Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus. This energy is LOVING and it’s going to ask you to express your love FREELY, with no hiding. Break down the barriers of the heart and expand into love. Wherever love lives, fear cannot exist. This also pertains to creativity… the heart knows what is next. Listen deeply, express freely, allow your HEART to guide you! I know where I’m putting my energy. It’s no mistake that my retreat, in Italy, at this time is called RETURN TO LOVE. Do you think I planned that? No … I did not.

June 14: Sagittarius Super Full Moon. This Moon has a gentle undertone and carries an energy reminding us to PLAY. After trudging through all the transformative energies of the last several months, we can laugh and play more. However, remember that with a Super Moon, everything is amplified. Your vision, intuition, and connection at an all-time high. Don’t dim your light – use it! And use this amplified wisdom to cut any final cords of attachment to the past. Yup. Big letting go.

June 21: Summer Solstice, Sun moves into Cancer: This is one of the most powerful days of the year! It signifies a balance of dark and light. The “turn of the wheel” if you will. Longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, shortest in the Southern Hemisphere. Solstice energies thin the veil of illusion so allow yourself some SPACE to BREATHE and just BE. Honor the dark and light within you and give yourself the HEALING SPACE you need.

June 28: Cancer New Moon lands really close to Black Moon Lilith. I don’t talk much about Black Moon Lilith but know that She sits on the precipice of Dark and Light. When this New Moon turns, Black Moon Lilith activates both light and dark energies within us all. We will not be able to turn away and the path will become very clear. Either activate more MASCULINE energy in your life, or activate more FEMINIME energy… and you will know. We are balancing the two in every second of our days, and this New Moon ushers us to truth. This New Moon sits sooooo close to the Solstice so prepare yourself for powerful manifestation work.

Also on June 28: Neptune goes Retrograde joining Saturn and Pluto. During this time, we may experience new info, or massive truths coming to light. Something in the shadows, or an insight not yet available will come to light and things will make sense.

This coming month is powerful … and to be honest, every second is powerful. Use your heart to guide you, your intuition will confirm or deny, and this epically, healthy body will fuel you. I can’t wait to see you on the other side of this month!

Ciao Bella!


New Moon Aries