So many ways to practice with me


10 classes - $295;
5 classes - $165;
Drop in - $36
Passes valid for 2-4 months; in person classes

Unlimited Classes every month

Silver: Online recorded content

*renews automatically every month; six month minimum to purchase

Welcome to Dana Damara Yoga
In person/Online Yoga/Healing Space

All Classes below included in various memberships with Dana Damara Yoga

Alila Marea Outdoor Yoga

Alila Marea Ocean Bluff

A Growing Global Community

The moment the world shut down, we quickly pivoted and opened the virtual doors to sustain our practice, connection, and community. It’s been an ever evolving program since March 2020 – but that is life now isn’t it?

That is the practice … so we keep connected.  In this space, we practice, chant, breathe and heal.  Join our global community in breath, movement, meditation, and connection.

What you receive when you join Dana Damara Yoga

  • 12 virtual practices a month

  • Access to a library of over 450 recorded practices (a great option for those weeks when classes are not offered)

  • Access to recordings of new classes (usually within 24 hours of the live virtual practice)

  • You MUST pre-register for these classes

  • There will be no refunds for missed or postponed classes - only credit for a future class.

Sample Virtual Vinyasa Class


IN PERSON - public classes


Virtual practice versus in person practice …
We offer both!

Our Teachers

  • Dana Damara

    Founder, 1000hr ERYT Master Trainer, Healer

  • Cherrie San Pietro

    RYT, Integrative Nutrition Coach

  • Olivia Sheesley

    RYT, Prenatal/OB Nurse

More than yoga .. healing and community too

We offer more than yoga - we offer breathwork, sound healing, and full moon circles. Check the various subscriptions and passes to see which one works for your schedule and interest.

NEW CONTENT uploaded every
Monday morning at 600am EST!

Every week we add content so everything is fresh and new. Some of you will recognize classes from days gone by, or find yourself in the front row of a live class we filmed on retreat or in San Francisco!

Specialty classes can consist of Sound Healing, Chakra Series, Yamas and Niyamas, Essential Oil Education, Energetic Hygiene, Sequencing your home practice, Goddess studies, or anything along the lines of well-being and evolving your learning potential.

When you are subscribed as a member, you will get weekly updates as to what’s upcoming and can attend the classes from the comfort of your own home.

This guided breath-work meditation is a sample of my weekly on-line breath-work class.  Breathwork has been around since the beginning of time. It’s not a trend or a fad, it’s life giving, life sustaining, and life affirming.  Of all the modalities I use for health, clarity and overall well-being, breath-work is hands down, the best for moving stuck energy, excavating old emotions, and clearing the mind or mental blocks.   It is simple session that you can do every day, on your own.  If you'd like to practice this on a weekly basis, with a group online, we would love to have you!  You can join at anytime.  Try it for (7) days for free, $40/40 days, fall in love and then stay with this forever.  

My hope is that you feel rejuvenated, clear, and full awake to this life.  Reach out with any questions, anytime. Om – Dana 

10 minute meditation with Dana Damara

  • Join us from home
  • MONTHLY ~ (6) MONTH Memberships
  • REPLAYS: Online Classes + (350) Past Classes * Mini-classes * Beginner Series * Postural Clinics * Meditations
  • Approximately $3-5 a session!
  • Gather with us
  • DROP IN ~ MONTHLY ~ (6)MONTH Memberships
  • In-person yoga + Online Classes
  • Approximately $6 a session!
  • You can have both
  • MONTHLY ~ (6) MONTH Memberships
  • ALL Sessions Included!
  • Approximately $3-5 a session!

Classes and trainings are filmed from my home studio, and like my in-person classes, are never planned, and always acknowledge real experiences as “the practice”. I never plan a sequence or a flow – but I do weave in a theme, pranayama, meditation and asana for ALL LEVELS of practitioners.

Truth be told, I am a Divine channel, so every class is different. I will offer up wisdom that flows through me and ask you to listen to your body so you can stay safe, while you drop in with me, and everyone else on the call.

If it’s one thing this practice has taught me is that life is uncertain. There are no guarantees.

So we practice.

— Dana Damara

Downloadable recorded classes - yours to keep

Download classes of days gone by, and use them as often as you would like. Some are from my home studio in Cardiff, California; some are LIVE streamed from San Francisco, and some are filmed in Encinitas. Create your own library of classes and practice when it works for your schedule

Yoga Class:  Divine Intelligence  (90 min)
Quick View
Yoga Class:  Magic (90 min)
Quick View
Yoga Class: Magic (90 min)
Yoga Class:  LIVE From San Francisco (75 min)
Quick View
Breathwork Circle (60 min)
Quick View
Breathwork Circle (60 min)
Yoga Class:  Love - From Idaho (75 min)
Quick View
Yoga Class:  Surrender (75 min)
Quick View
Yoga Class: Surrender (75 min)

There are so many ways to engage.

First –
start off with a week of unlimited practices for $33. Give me and our community a shot. Look at my calendar and pick a week when you can maximize your time.

Based on your needs, interests and desires – I offer many different passes to join us. You can choose which one works for you. But know this … no-one will be turned away for any reason. When there is a desire, there is a way.

So explore the calendar. Read about the offerings. Chose your pass. And join us. This practice will never let you down. And when you do feel down .. and your unsure of what’s next … I promise, it will be there to pick you up and make sense of it all.

I created this space to offer you

·       a place you can call home;

·       a space for you to connect;

·       a space for you to create ritual for yourself;

·       a place to heal.

We will start with the physical practice of yoga, because that seems like the best place to begin. Breathwork is essential. Meditation - the secret sauce.

Movement is the key, nature is our playground, breath is the fuel, and spirit awakens when we drop into all facets of ourselves with dedication and devotion.

That is the practice.

Join me.

So much love,


As someone who came to yoga due to an injury my path and journey with yoga has always been viewed as peripheral.  This training brought it into full focus and center.  Before this training my mind and body would swing from one end of the emotional spectrum to another and after. After, I was able to unfold behaviors and patterns that weren't serving me, and find more equanimity and grace in my daily life.  This experience will live with me forever.  I have already shared these gifts with others and have received nothing, but positive feedback.  If you have any interest in doing a yoga teacher training, doing it with Dana Damara will be transformative. 
