Full Moon Virgo
A gorgeous Full Moon illuminates the sky on March 18, 2022, 12:17am pst, at 27 degrees Virgo. This Full Moon happens days before the Spring Equinox, the turn of the season. It’s all about letting go, finishing a chapter of your life, and culminations of projects. It’s also about transitions, recalibrations, and complete liberation from the past so you can truly step into a new life.
Sounds a bit off, with all the suffering going on in the world, right? Yes, I know. I feel the same way – to an extent.
Sun at Pisces 27 degrees
Virgo, like all the other signs, has a dark and light side. Virgo likes things in order and order creates space and clarity. Virgo is also the ultimate healer. But Virgo can also fall into perfectionism, pining for validation and approval, basing all moves in life on what other people think.
But when Virgo is balanced, the healing begins, and there is time and space for healing and for enjoying the fruits of your labors and accomplishments. This Moon asks you to let go of your need to be accepted, recognized, and even loved. Notice how you are holding back or choosing situations just to gain “likes”. Or alternatively, begin to observe the ways you hold yourself back because you think you’re not ready, or you need more “work.” Your worthiness is a key component to this Full Moon, so most likely, what you are REALLY letting go of is the naysayers in your mind.
Neither space is right or wrong: point being, do you and do you now.
This Full Moon ripens just before the Equinox in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. If you use this energy properly, you will be freed up to move forward completely. The Equinox is a time to turn the wheel of your life to another dimension, another way of being, and perceive your life through a new lens.
Now that is not to say that I do not notice the suffering in the world. I do, I feel it every day. And I’m doing my best to share my light, shed my tears, embrace my fears, and eliminate unnecessary negativity from my life.
That’s the intention of this Full Moon. Period.
Pluto trine the Moon and sextile the Sun. Empowerment via purging – letting go. Carve out your own path and dedicate yourself to service via healing and love.
Sun conjunct Neptune and Jupiter IN Pisces. Magic, mysticism, and allowing your intuition to guide the way. Pay attention to your dreams, and do not get bogged down by details. Spend time in meditation, nature, and communing with the Divine. Look up .. the Divine is UP!
This is a beautiful time to be alive .. amidst all the noise and haste, it is still a beautiful world. Find the beauty so you can truly experience the meaning of life.