The Daily I AM Method


You are a beacon of energy, broadcasting your vibration in every moment. What you think, say, and do all matter. Your thoughts create your life, therefore, you are creating in every moment! And the two most powerful words in the English language are "I AM" so be mindful. Use the cards as inspiration, guidance, and reassurance whenever you need a reminder about how magical you really are. Use the journal to solidify your deepest desires.

Life is not a sedentary event, nor is it linear as we were taught to believe. Instead, it is a spiral – ever changing and evolving. You are part of that spiral: always evolving and ever changing. The past was necessary, the present is paramount, the future unknown, but it's all sitting in your hands and heart for creation. You deserve to heal, to love and live the life you were called to live. Decode Your Divine Blueprint with me and live your most purposeful life.

The Daily I AM Journal The Daily I AM Journal
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The Daily I AM Journal
The Daily I AM Deck The Daily I AM Deck
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The Daily I AM Deck