Full Moon Lunar Eclipse; Freedom
On Saturday, July 4th, we will experience a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn at 9:44pm PST. This is the final of the Capricorn/Cancer eclipse cycle with signifies an end of an era, and the beginning of a new one.
We’ve been taking in the story of Capricorn/Cancer for about 18 months now and it’s finally coming to a close. The structures we have lived by that no longer make sense are being dismantled. As a whole, and also as individuals, we are experiencing F R E E D O M. I know it doesn’t look like it … but if you think about it, it makes total sense. Before we can experience true freedom, we’ve got to witness what’s truly holding us back.
You are witnessing the dismantling of the patriarchal structures that do not serve freedom but rather create oppression. And as with any birth, there are contractions. No one on this planet is free from this shift in consciousness… no one. As above, so below. So, we gaze inward, we look to see the potentially unconscious systems that are running our life and we shift to a higher state of awareness. We allow ourselves the F R E E D O M that our soul desires. One year from now everything will look different. What we define as free will be very different. So lucky to be alive right now.
Before we can talk about the Full Moon, let me remind you that Saturn turned back into Capricorn and will find its way back to Aquarius later in the year. But until then, it’s about person growth, practicalities, responsibilities, and your career. Here’s a little recap:
The Eclipses for this Capricorn-Cancer cycle were follows:
January 5, 2019: Capricorn Solar Eclipse
July 2, 2019: Cancer Solar Eclipse
July 16, 2019: Capricorn Lunar Eclipse
December 25, 2019: Capricorn Solar Eclipse
January 10, 2020: Cancer Lunar Eclipse
June 20, 2020: Cancer Solar Eclipse
July 4, 2020: Capricorn Lunar Eclipse
Review those dates to see what changes or guidance you received at that time. You may also want to think back to what events were happening in your life the last time we had the Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn. This occurred back in 2009-2011.
Ask yourself where you are dedicating your energy? The dismantling of the patriarch is a global thing, yes; but it is also liberating you from wasting your time on thoughts, words and actions that really don’t matter. And it all began back in January 2019.
Mercury square Mars, while Mars conjunct Chiron. Be mindful of rushed thinking, heated arguments, and risky decisions. Not a good choice. If you’re patient, Mercury sextile Uranus and that combination can bring exciting news and inspiring ideas and conversations. Heightened senses make way for future oriented thinking and open-mindness.
Big themes:
· Let go of the things that don’t work
· Go to healing and feeling
· Go to joy and peace and light
Moon trine Uranus, brings unexpected change and increased freedom. Stay awake and aware of potential miracles showing up for you. They will pass you by if you’re stuck in the past. Stay woke and focused. This is a good eclipse to leave your comfort zone and try something new. It will be easier to break bad habits and to leave toxic or unhealthy relationships. Flashes of insight can lead to higher self-awareness.
It is going to be easier to commit to the shift that’s obviously happening on the planet right now. The energy of this Moon will act like a release valve. We’re being disrupted but honestly, it’s for good reason; we can now commit to the shift that’s happening on the planet and get with the program and create new ways of doing things.
Focus on your home, your family, your body; the temples and structures that house your soul and your love. Things are falling apart for a reason; it’s freeing us to be who we are with no limits. Embrace the love, trust the process, let go, and partake completely in the Divine Restructuring of this planet.