New Moon ~ Solstice ~ Eclipse: Dark Meets Light
Astrologists have been talking about this time for quite awhile now. Not quite predicting the evolution that we are experiencing, but definitely knowing it was coming. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer arrives on June 20th, at 11:41pm PST and it’s an emotional journey to be sure. The Sun and Moon meet at 0° between Cancer and Gemini which is quite a pivotal point for change.
Cancer is a sensitive water sign; all tough and protective on the outside, cozy, cuddly and nourishing on the inside. It’s like being in the womb – the safe and nurturing, protective womb. It all started with that Capricorn stellium in January 2020 that peaked in March. We haven’t had four slow-moving planets in Capricorn since the Renaissance Age… it’s amazing to be alive right now honestly. It came after the Black Death/Bubonic Flu which tipped the balance of wealth in European societies and changed the trajectory of life as everyone knew it to be. Again … no stress, no crisis, no upheaval … no change. As history repeats itself.
Oddly, the New Moon Dark Eclipse coincides with the Solstice: rebirth, light, celebration of renewal. Polarity .. can you feel that in the energetic fields of you own life? Witness the dark and the light? You’ve got to do both … may as well do the work now along with everyone else. Just don’t get caught up in everyone else’s stuff …
We are being offered both collectively and individually to feel our emotions and use them for change. We’ve always been asked that but now we’re being put to the test – on our integrity, passion, truth, dharma and willingness to be open. So much we have averted and avoided as a collective. Time to take a peek.
This is going to be a long forecast and honestly … a long haul as a society. This is only the beginning of transformation, reform, evolution, and systematic changes to many institutions and new ways of functioning. Again … fantastic time to be alive. My personal opinion – this is the rise of the Divine Feminine at Her finest. White supremacy and patriarchal ways live within all of us and it’s time to drop into the womb of the Mother and nourish ourselves from our core. We have been living in a very masculine energy for far too long and it’s taken its toll on all our systems … every, single, one. Time for a Feminine overhaul. Pay attention to the ways you nourish yourself … for real. Go ahead, fight the fight, protest and march, use your voice, stand up, and … rest. It is the way of the Feminine. It is the way of the Moon … she IS the Feminine; why do you think I’ve been stalking her. So I can learn and connect and advise.
This is only the beginning, so take it slow The Black Death PRECEEDED all that change way back when; and moved society into the Renaissance age of reform. We’re in for big changes. My invitation … pay attention to the teens; listen to them. They shall inherit the New Earth. Pay attention to our education system, our health care system, and our political system. Astrology never lies … it’s a time to awaken to what’s important and let go of the rest.
So many transits so I’ll take you a through a few at a time.
The first thing to remember is that this New Moon is darkened by an Eclipse, so this is an eclipse phase that calls for patience, courage, caution and responsibility. (Sounds like lots of meditation and breathwork to me!) We are getting ready to move into a New Earth and that is not for the faint of heart, fear, or reaction. It’s about strategy and well thought out responses. Just saying.
Eclipses set new patterns and this one is the second of three in a row: usually they show up in pairs. They act like curtain calls – unveiling what has been hiding in the shadows and asks us to deal with it now. Interesting right? And … please amidst all of this … because I can feel you shaking your head yes in affirmation, given the global situation … please remember that what you are witnessing is a reflection of what is inside you. So go there … remember, there are no “others”.
Eclipses activate already running programs and they are when big shit happens. They are a recalibration of fate and free will; your will and God’s will. Eclipses realign visions so you may clearly recognize your purpose and your dharma. The Eclipse on June 5th aligned with the South Node which brought old to the light, for reckoning … this Eclipse, well it’s aligned with the North Node, which means … movement forward. BOLD beginnings … BOLD moves … out of the box changes.
We are witnessing some pretty powerful times. If you look back in history to astrology like this it was massive upheaval of old structures and new ideas and innovative changes. Yup, we’re there. This is intense … we’ll get a breather here after July 20th or so … rest up because September – October we get a bit slammed again.
Stay strong warrior Jedi. Use your tools …
New Eras are always preceded by upheaval. It’s a rebirth ... totally uncomfortable.
Saturn quincunx the New Moon creating an imbalance between liberation and restrictions. The biggest invitation I can offer up is to be flexible, adaptable, and open. Because we are being asked right now, to carry A LOT. This is a lot lovelies. So be open when things start to drop away. When restrictions begin to fall to the wayside. (physical, mental, and emotional) I keep reminding myself that as a collective, we have all be traumatized and are somewhere in a state of fear, grief, and uncertainty. We’ve ALL been feeling that on some level and after this eclipse things will “loosen” a bit so be open to that. Ask for clarity and deep witchy-like intuition. Works every time.
We’ve got Venus (values), Saturn (structures), Pluto (inner world), Jupiter (justice, expansion), and now Mercury (lower mind, communication) all in retrograde. And on June 23rd Neptune (illusion) follows suit and moves backward too. That means a lot in slow motion. Not only that but on June 27th, Mars (the initiator/ Warrior/fighter) squares the Nodes of karmic fate.
Mars is a bit aggravating during this time to be honest. He’s reactionary and causing a ruckus which doesn’t always help. Think of Mars as the Masculine and Neptune, Venus and the Moon as the Feminine.
He’s squaring the New Moon which creates tension to move forward even though we are being asked to pause. And he will create a sense of angsty-ness if you allow it. (I talk about an example in the video). Invitation: stay calm, practice compassion, be objective, remember to be kind. Always and All Ways. And if you can’t … try. This is a time for upheaval yes, and make sure you are responding from a grounded place … not reacting from your reptilian brain. Not going to be helpful. He’s a little bugger honestly …
Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (thank Goddess Neptune is in Pisces), so Divine Feminine meets Sacred Masculine. Which means we have the ability to create the life we desire with integrous action, ambition and passion; just consult your intuition first. Remember UNIVERSAL love … not individual preservation … there’s no such thing.
Know the meaning behind your actions. Discern between illusion and reality. Lead with a purposeful vision rooted in SERVICE. All of that can open up a brand new perspective … perfect timing right?
Mars also is sextile to Jupiter and Pluto bringing forth courage, strength, wisdom and increased optimism. Remember he is the initiator … he wants you to succeed!! You could experience a huge burst of energy to achieve your goals and reframe your passion. If you are feeling overwhelmed it’s because you are most likely going up a hill that is not yours. When it’s your dharma you’re following, you never get tired because you’re supported.
Mars sitting with Jupiter and Pluto like this will give you increased stamina and endurance to take on that challenging project or course of action. Just direct his energy in a way that is in SERVICE to your dharma. Check in with yourself.
And alas, we have the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn. Remember I said this hadn’t happened (Saturn/Pluto) in 500 years? Yeah, well here we are people. Time to suit up, dive inward, eradicate self-sabotaging beliefs and ideas, invite in your intuition every single day, put new ideals into place, ask for guidance, call in your angels, and focus on what you desire. There’s a lot of change … I know. But focus on what is important to YOU. I know Black Lives Matter … they’ve always mattered. Our society just hasn’t been paying attention for too many years.
What is calling to your heart? Your soul? What brings YOU deeper into alignment with that resonate whisper now being called up to action. This is a time for large scale change, justice, and achievement. And remember we are all One. If you haven’t figured that out yet with COVID, global protests should have shaken you awake.
And … there’s more. Policies, structures, outdated educational systems, unjust and inhumane ways the patriarch created are all going to begin crumbling. Don’t be afraid … be fierce. Be awake. Be loyal. Be strong. And focus on what your path is … this is the Divine unraveling … stay woke. The planets don’t lie.