Welcome to Dana Damara Spiritual Academy.
I call it Spiritual Academy because I found that over the years, I have learned much more than yoga. This practice of yoga was my personal step over the threshold to an awakening, but it hasn’t been the be all and do all. And a “spiritual awakening” by the way, is anything but pretty. It’s messy, and challenging, and eye opening - not always the most comfortable thing. However - it’s why we are here. We are meant to undo - unravel - and unfold our life.
Once you step on this path, you know as well as I do, it’s ever evolving. There is no end point, no goal, no “graduation”; only a new version of yourself that you call home.
I have been in deep service to the healing of this planet through yoga, pranayama, meditation, writing, coaching, chanting, Reiki, crystals, essential oils, somatic therapy and my Priestess and Shaman training. But nothing has been more impactful, meaningful, or challenging to this Warrior of Life Training than my initiation through motherhood.
I’ve evolved many times in this lifetime. And I can finally step in and own that I am a Divine channel of love. Am I perfect? Nope. But I keep using all these tools to balance the spots in my life that come out of alignment or completely unglued, which was the case in 2020. We keep practicing … and that is life.
Your 200 RYT experience begins here. Become a certified yoga teacher. More than that, learn how to take this practice we call yoga, off your mat and into your life.
Trainings, workshops, immersions, and personalized mentorship, for all levels of the yoga practitioner. Can be taken individually or registered as an RYT 300 for 15% discount.
Learn tools to realign your energy. Somatics, breathwork, Reiki, crystals, essential oils, meditation .. more to come!!
Here you will find tools to elevate your soul. Yoga is the embodiment I choose to move things through my body. But there are other tools that have been of deep value when I’ve been unable to move as I would like, or just plain walked away from the asana. (Which does happen from time to time.)
This is a place where you can truly meet yourself where you’re at on this journey. And believe me, you will spiral through many times, in many different ways. Old fears and anxieties will creep in, but you will gain the tools you need to get beyond them.
You will jump in where you are and go from there.
You will pause when you need to pause.
Gather when you need to gather.
And take a journey alone when you need to turn things off.
All the while… you will be surrounded by our tribe. I’ve been at every single one of these phases – that’s why I can share this knowledge and wisdom from a place of knowing; from a place of support; and from a place of seeing the infinite potential of who you are.
You are not what happens to you.
You are who you dream to be.
Make it a good one.