New Moon Capricorn/ Jupiter in Pisces

This report is about Jupiter entering Pisces and the New Moon Capricorn. Listen to the recording here

Admittedly we are feeling the reverberations of Venus Retrograde and Saturn/Uranus square. Good – we “should” …

  • Pay attention
  • Go inward
  • Re-evaluate
  • Visualize our life

Everything is up for renewal. Re-member those lofty dreams you had and trust in the miracles you can’t see happening behind the scenes. It’s all happening now. It’s so easy to give up hope when things look “bad” or “wrong” on the outside. Or get snagged by the past; retraumatized by what happened “before”.

But that’s just a trick: smoke and mirrors; illusions galore – testing your ability to stay focused on the beating of your heart. Thankfully … Jupiter entered Pisces the other day bringing in a breath of fresh, magical, mystical air … dream big butterfly. And mask up buttercup. It’s all the same … can you see that? Can you re-member that you are part of all the things, that this is all just a phase?

Jupiter entering Pisces is the theme of 2022: Luck, prosperity, generosity, expansion, and growth. Do not get snagged; you’ll feel like shit. Let it go - Jupiter wants to carry your dreams to fruition and manifestation.

Be the human: be kind and observe all that is happening around you. This world is a bit off yes. But it must be “off” in order to right itself.

Be the mystic: re-member it’s all a cosmic joke and it is all unfolding perfectly. You have no control, never did. And there is no limit to what you can achieve if you believe.

Just before the New Moon Capricorn this magical, mystical transit happens. Huh, now ain’t that about perfect. Capricorn will ground your dreams into reality. On 1.2.2022 at 10:33am pst, the New Moon in Capricorn blesses us with beautiful grounding energy to start the New Year.

This is the time claim your seat brothers and sisters. You have been through the proverbial ringer and guess what? We all have … and if you’re still standing you have something special to offer in this life, so get to it.

The choice is yours, always has been. Dedicate yourself to something, and you know what that something is, I know you do.

The New Moon trine Uranus so liberation is key. Feeling pain in your body? Anxiety in the mind? Restlessness in the heart? That Uranus, the voice of the higher mind, inspiring you to be free from that past. Trust this cosmic joke!

The New Moon is creating a wide conjunction with that Venus (currently in retrograde) to Pluto, so tread lightly and kindly. Pluto wants you to be empowered in your relationships, and most likely you’re getting a preview of what’s meant to leave and what is meant to come. The joke is you can’t control it … you have a choice what to focus on, and how to respond … but you have no control. Just notice, observe, and allow.

Mars sextile Saturn so all that hard work and initation is ready to rock and roll. Just dot your i's and cross your t's. Stay focused.

This New Moon is full of magic … get on the magic carpet ride lovelies. It’s time to fly.


Full Moon Cancer/Mercury Retrograde


Spring Equinox 2021