This New Moon falls at 26 degrees Leo, and is snuggled up against Mercury, the thinker. And just in perfect timing, Uranus goes retrograde. The planet of unexpected miracles, breakthroughs, and change, joins Pluto (transformation), Saturn (systems, structures, and karma), Jupiter (wisdom, knowledge, discovery, expansion), Chiron (healing), and Neptune (illusion dreams).
I’ve uploaded this recording to my YouTube channel so listen in … it’s FREE!
This would all be spectacular if Mars wasn't squaring Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn as they all meet again in Capricorn. Assertiveness is at an all-time high, but these planets are telling you to wait. Watch your words. Pause. And stay out of arguments.
Better to be in peace than to be right. But alas, Mars is also trine the New Moon and Mercury, diffusing some of this angst and impatience to move forward. It's a fabulous time to be alive.
Let go
Let go
Let go
And then have the patience to be in the nothingness until love is the only thing you experience. Reach out if you'd like an astrology reading to see where you fit on this spectrum of the magic that's happening now.