I have been thinking a lot about this word this week. The word came to me with the help of a thesaurus to be honest. I was trying to encapsulate how I felt after returning from Tulum and the words re-charged, re-calibrated, re-newed and re-aligned kept coming to me. But those words indicated that I was somehow … “off” in my being. And to be honest … I don’t think we are ever “off”.
So those phrases morphed into evolution: the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
This was a perfect description actually. Because I didn’t feel out of alignment when I left for Tulum. I didn’t feel like I needed a rest of any kind. I was actually open to this new opportunity of traveling to Mexico and sharing this magical place with my daughters. And then offering up a mystical retreat would be the fairy dust on the journey.
So, evolution: Opening and expanding to something new within ourselves. Potentially more complex, but then again potentially more simple. Definitely more resonate.
I started thinking about relationships that we partake in during this time on Earth. And how we, as a species are meant to evolve. We aren’t meant to stay stagnate. We aren’t meant to think, feel, or be the same throughout our life. So I wonder sometimes why we do.
And then I thought about the dynamics of evolution in relationship. And how if it’s true that we are ALL evolving at our own rate, our own path, our own karmic intention, how can we say that when there is breakdown, that one person evolved and the other one didn’t? That’s not true.
The truth is – both people are evolving but in different areas – or for different reasons – or in a different realm. But what do we do instead of holding space for that evolution – for ourselves or the other person?
We fall into fear and we either redirect, blame, or walk away. But what are we afraid of? Maybe fear of losing that person? Fear that we made the mistake. Fear of being judged. Fear of not knowing who we are. Fear of living up to our potential. Fear of evolving and “leaving that person behind”.
These are all seemingly valid reasons for experiencing fear but honestly, when you really break it down – we are all evolving; all the time. And as one of my teachers says, we came into this life alone and we will die alone. So really, can we say that the real fear is being alone?
Remember, people who bless you with their presence in this lifetime are on their own path. You only magnetized them for a snippet of time in order to mirror yourself and learn something about your own evolution. And it is a snippet of time no matter how long they are in your life.
Something else to keep in mind, is that you get to choose, moment to moment, how deep you want your evolution to go. Meaning, you can skim the surface or you can dive in deep. But remember, just because you are diving in deep, doesn’t mean everyone else in your current reality is going to dive in with you. They may want to stay behind, which is perfect for them.
Not only that but there isn’t a “higher” evolved being than another. Or a more “spiritually connected” person than another. We are all connected and evolved in the most Divine way, in the most perfect way for our life, our karma, our DNA, our path. So why the judging?
It’s a choice – remember. You get to choose. You get to evolve. You get to move forward or hang back.
I’ve learned a few things in this process of evolving as a human being:
Evolution isn’t always comfortable. It can be sad, as it is a death or sorts.
But it’s also a rebirth so it’s exciting too.
You cannot judge others – you must only thank them.
You are never alone and you never will be.
There is nothing to fear.
I would rather live a life where I evolved: took a chance, risked it all, said how I felt, listened to others even when it hurt, opened my heart, loved deeply, lost it all, looked silly, got my heart broken, fell on my face, made a mistake, and cried for days ... then sat still in fear. And I can honestly say that I will NEVER regret evolving....
Because in ALL of that Divine chaos - there is opportunity for epic evolution.