Courage is one of the highest virtues there is. It’s something that’s necessary in every decision, every breath, every step. And this week is opening up that portal for you to test your courage. In love, in money, in creativity, in any aspect of your life that is ready to expand.
One thing I’ve learned is that there are no wrong decisions. In fact, I’ve found that the decisions we make based on love, joy, and intuition, unfold into infinite experiences of miracles and synchronicities that I could have never imagined for myself.
I believe courage happens in every moment. It happens when you leap forward into something that is unfamiliar. It happens when you relax into the familiar. It happens when you speak your mind and when you listen. It happens when you move forward and when you let go. It happens when you stand strong and when you open up to vulnerability.
Courage happens every moment of every day.
It takes courage to:
Speak your mind.
Say yes.
Say no.
Tell the truth.
Reach out.
Sit in un-comfortableness.
Be content.
Be vulnerable.
Be still.
Leap forward.
What a concept – it takes courage to love. Yes … that is the courage of all courage.
To love what?
Another person.
People you do not agree with.
Your children.
Your parents
That which you can’t control.
The courage to love … to love it all and move with a grace and ease that is palpable. To step out on a limb without knowing what is going to happen. To put your heart out there not knowing how or if it will be ever be received. To change the trajectory of your life without knowing the outcome but trusting in the beat of your heart.
Courage to be present to it all. To take a swift turn to the heart and ONLY function from that place. To stand in the I AM. To forget about the past, drop the attachment to the future, and truly function from the heart which only knows present moment.
In those moments – magic is inevitable because we are functioning in the now only … that place that activates courage. Yes, let’s live there.