Breathwork as a teacher


My heart has been blown right open several times this month!

Why? Because I opened my home office for one-on-one Breathwork and Healing sessions and I’m experiencing people creating miracles in their lives!

Personally, Breathwork has helped me: ☀️Find clarity around my path. 🌟Heal my anxiety and grief. 🌟Forgive my ex-husband and my family of origin. 🌟Accept my triggers and soften my response to them. 🌟Ground into my body when I feel swept away emotionally. 🌟Trust my inner wisdom and intuition. 🌟Regain my sense of worthiness and value.

It clears your vessel so you can become a safe place to come home to. And this clearing doesn’t happen in the mind. It happens through the emotions, through the heart, and underneath the subconscious thoughts.

Our thoughts ruminate and repeat themselves; about 90,000 times a day! Who needs all those thoughts? No one! Practicing breathwork can alter your subconscious, clear the clutter, and repair the repetitive thoughts that are negative, debilitating, or just plain unnecessary.

Breathwork is so powerful … it can:

🌟Help you see the truth. 🌟Heal trauma that’s buried deep inside the heart. 🌟Inspire creativity and spark your energy. 🌟Help you come home to your center. 🌟Gain clarity around any confusion. 🌟Move anger, grief, frustration out of the body. 🌟Calm the nervous system and heal your body.

I know some of you and I know you want this. I know you are looking for healing and evolution in your life. I know you are tired of the same, damn story. Time to change it.

If you have read this far, it’s time.

I would be honored to hold space for you. Let’s shift your life a little to the left (or the right!) … say by 5 degrees. Just one breath at a time. Reach out to me if you'd like to book a session. I’m taking clients now through November 15th, 2023 and would love to support you on a new path of truth, freedom and love.

Reach out here


Breathwork is like psychedelics without the psychedelics


Mother’s Day