Walking the 8 Limb Path


Walking the 8 Limb Path

Online/Hybrid begins August 2025

Tuesday, August 12, 2025
12noon pst / Zoom Call

Complete the course at your own pace
Receive homework and complete assignments to receive your certificate.

Over 2,500 years ago, Patanjali compiled a book called the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali offering his interpretation of the Yoga Sutras, or “threads” of life. That was 2,500 years ago.  

The 8 Limbs, as I know them to be, are the foundation of this practice we call yoga. In Sanskrit, “ashta” literally means eight and “anga” means limbs or parts. We hear about the “Eight Limbed Path of Yoga” all the time – especially if you’ve ever taken a Yoga Teacher Training. 

In the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher training I offer up each year, this book, The Yoga Sutras, is required reading.  We meet online, or in person when we can, and discuss these sutras as Patanjali has interpreted them and how we, as spiritual beings living this human existence, can utilize these practices now for a more balance, holistic life.  

The main purpose of these eight practices is to help us purify our physical body, energy body, gain mastery over senses, and become free from worldly illusions.  As a mother, teacher, healer, and woman on this planet – I use these tools every, single day.  Am I perfect?  Not by any stretch of the imagination. However, I have a touch point that I can come back to. An anchor if you will, that supports me in finding my way home.  

In this training/workshop we will dive deeper into the 8 Limb Path and see for ourselves, and where we are on this “path to self-realization”.  Right now, our planet and all of humanity is suffering in some way, shape or form, which means our true purpose in life can get left behind.  

The 8 limbs and how when practiced, in order, can provide practical steps of personal development physically, mentally and spiritually to attain the highest state of awareness.  This does not mean you will “gain enlightenment” or find a perfect life.  Instead – it will continually illuminate where you can keep practicing.  

For 8 weeks we will explore the Yamas and Niyamas, Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyanna (meditation) and Samadhi (bliss).  Asana (posture) and pranayama (breath-work) are explored throughout all 12 weeks of the course. 

We will explore and integrate the philosophical threads of these practices, and examine how they are woven into our lives now.  Since the final three limbs are much more subtle, we will explore those with added meditation and journaling processes away from the screen. 



  • Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

  • Satya (Absence of Falsehood)

  • Asteya (Non-Stealing)

  • Brahmacharya (Moderation)

  • Aparigraha (Non-Grasping)

  • Saucha (Cleanliness)

  • Santosha (Contentment)

  • Tapas (Discipline)

  • Svadhyaya (Self-Study)

  • Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender)



  • Explore the Yamas and Niyamas in depth

  • Learn meditation, pranayama, and practice journaling for each theme

  • Asana practices, breath work, and sun salutations to explore each Yama and Niyama

  • Meditation practices for a deeper dive into these teachings


  • Questions for self-study and contemplation

  • Time away from the group to practice self-study

  • Time with group to discuss and integrate outside of the course meeting

Required book – The Yamas and Niyamas, by Deborah Adele 
Required book
The Secret Power of Yoga – Nischala Joy DeviJ



Additional 3% service fee added at checkout


Following your purchase of teacher training tuition, you have a 30-day grace period to cancel. There are no refunds, however, the amount can be transferred to another DDE teacher training program within one year.

For more information about the program, or to enroll, please email: dana@danadamara.com