50 Hour Project

Yoga Teachers ~ Healers ~ Spiritual Warriors

**required for the 300 hour Advanced TT Program
Available to all teachers/healers wanting support and connection!

This 50 hour project is part of our 300 Hour AYTT Mentorship program. It’s also available to Yoga Teachers who already have there 200 Hour Certification and are interested in furthering their yoga career. You will be working with Dana Damara other master teachers, speakers and your peers from across the globe.

Gain support * offer support * and share valuable inspiration with your tribe.


  • Support you in creating content /programming for yourself

  • Take your business from an idea to manifest

  • Hold you accountable for getting your business/program to the next level

  • Create and develop an original workshop

  • Title

  • Description

  • Class level and demographic

  • Props needed

  • Percentage of lecture and asana breakdown 

  • Workshop length 

  • Suggested pricing

  • Create promotional items for your workshop

  • Create marketing material, including flyer and social media posts, email optional 

  • Teach in a public setting with apprentice and/or mentor evaluating 

  • Video submission of workshop (no less than 60 minutes excerpts/segments) 

  • Three written assessments from students/or a senior teacher from DDE may be in attendance

  • Teach and document 10 public classes

    • Style 

    • Number of students 

    • Location and time 

    • Teaching plan, personal comments, remarks and observations. 

    • Create a survey for your attendees and turn in the feedback to DDE


If you desire personal mentorship as a teacher or healer you can get individualized sessions with Dana Damara directly.

Mentorship: 50 hour project
  • Complete one or more of the following: 

  • Online “specialty course” approved by DDE totaling no less than 10 hours

  • Attend a DDE weekend immersion, workshop series, or approved DDE event totaling no less than 10 hours.

  • Read one of the following

  • Anatomy of the Spirit” and choose a chakra to work and focus on. Why did you choose it? Document and journal your daily experience for one month. 

  • The Yamas and Niyamas” by Deborah Adele and choose one to work and focus on.  Why did you choose it? Document and journal your daily experience for one month. 

  • “Shakti Meditations” by Sally Kempton and choose one Goddess to work with and focus on.  Why did you choose her? Document and journal your daily experience for one month.

  • Assist and adjust classes

    • for Dana Damara during a weekend immersion, workshop, festival or conference. 

*All materials must be documented, turned in and signed off by Dana Damara. 300 hour certificate will be electronically delivered and will fulfill requirements for your 500 RYT with Yoga Alliance, so long as applicant is in good standing with their 200 hour RYT.

Includes (1) 45 min sessions with me to review your work.



You will have access to all content during the duration of the training plus one month after completion.

By agreeing to the terms and conditions you agree to not share your login with another person or resell content you receive in this course. This course is non-refundable. In order for us to communicate with you about this online course you will be added to the mailing list when you sign up. You may unsubscribe at any time. 

Additional 3% service fee added at checkout


Following your purchase of teacher training tuition, you have a 30-day grace period to cancel minus the $515 deposit. There are no refunds, however, the amount can be transferred to another Dana Damara Evolution teacher training program within one year.

For more information about the program, or to enroll, please email: dana@danadamara.com